Friendly financial advice from qualified female IFAs
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One port of call
We believe that most people don’t want a string of companies advising them, just one company whom they can trust for all their financial advice.
We also offer specialist care fees planning, see Care @ Monetary Solutions.
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News and Views

Working from home
Last week I watched with interest, the BBC Panorama programme, ‘Should We Still Be Working from Home?’, and it made me realise just how much Covid has changed our working life and the knock-on effect this has had on our lives. Homeworking was relatively rare in 1981 when only 1.5% of those in employment reported

Another New Year
So, another New Year has just begun, which I always get excited about and as I always find, it is a time to start afresh. Many people celebrate the start of the New Year, in fact research shows that in the USA 360 million glasses of champagne and sparkling wine are consumed at this time,

Budget shake up
Following weeks of speculation Rachel Reeves delivered the budget on the 30th October, this was not only her first budget but also the first budget to ever be delivered by a female. It was also the first budget for Labour in nearly 15 years and one of the longest budget speeches, which lasted 76 minutes
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