Lifestyle Financial Planning
Lifestyle Financial planning advice to help you achieve your dreams and aspirations
Financial planning is not all about taking out a product like a ISA or Pension
It’s about making sure you have the funds to carry out your dreams and aspirations, and take care of any eventualities should anything happen to you along the way.
Just as you might instruct a personal trainer to help you achieve your sporting goals, a financial planner can be used to help you fund your personal goals.
Without goals, you don’t know where you are heading. However, some people find that goals can be hard to set. If you have difficulty in clarifying your goals, a good starting point is to visualise what you want to do, as well as what you would regret not doing if something happened to you tomorrow. Once you know what goals you are striving for, a financial report can help you to achieve them. We look at your goals and your attitutde towards investment to identify the most appropriate coure of action for you.
Karen uses specialist software which help calculate the amount of funds you’ll need to carry out your dreams and aspirations. Strategic financial planning draws a picture of your current financial position and is projected forward to key milestones in your life, such as the children leaving home, you turning 50, or retiring.
Good financial planning will address both your financial and your lifestyle goals and help you to achieve them – whether you’re trying to pay off the mortgage early or retire early. It will also look at “what if” scenarios, such as what would happen in the event of premature death or disability. It can really help to know your loved ones will be properly protected at those times.
Contact us to book your free consultation today.