Croydon Women in Business
Come and network with Croydon Women in Business
Come and network with Croydon Women in Business
It is vital that all businesses, whether large or small, adapt to today’s increasingly digital age, and to the modern tech-savvy customer.
While this involves embracing social media and mobile technology, in many ways it’s about doing the basics of business right – Innovating your proposition, educating yourself about the market you’re in, and relating to your customers.
To find out more, you are invited to join us at this exciting event sponsored by Monetary Solutions.
Our guest speaker, David Taylor, is a digital management consultant who has 25 years’ experience of the UK media scene garnered from a career in journalism, in-house media relations, public relations, marketing communications and social media consultancy. Co-author of two social media books, he has trained well over 3,500 business-owners and companies in the UK and abroad in online marketing, social media and networking.
Event details:
When: From 12 noon to 3pm, Friday 9 June 2017
Where: The Chateau, Coombe Lane, Surrey, CR0 5RE
Cost: £19.50
Includes: two-course meal, plus a glass of wine, tea and coffee
Book your place today!