Half-time moves

We have just passed the half way point of the year so this is a good time to think about the goals we set ourselves at the beginning of the year and reevaluate them. With football still fresh in our minds, it is something that can be compared to half-time.

Half-time in football is 15 mins long and it’s much more than just a rest. It gives the manager a chance to address the team and to make adjustments. The summer holiday can be used for us in the same way, using the time out to reassess your year so far and make tactical changes if they are needed.

So where do you start?
Firstly, look back at your new year’s resolutions, to me these are the goals that individuals make for themselves for the year ahead. Ask yourself, if you are on target to achieve them or do they need adjusting and what moves can you make to achieve them. If you did not set any goals or resolutions at the beginning of the year, it is not too late to do so.

Why can setting goals be beneficial?
Well, goals may help us to stay motivated to achieve our desires, the American psychologist, Edwin A. Locke’s goal setting theory was based on the idea that setting specific and measurable goals is more effective than setting unclear goals. In his article in 1968, Locke showed how employees are more motivated by well-defined goals and constructive feedback, and are therefore more likely to accomplish these goals when they are specific and measurable.

How can we help?
I have often said that I see my most important role being that of a sounding board, where we can try and help individuals turn their dreams into reality. It is similar to that of a personal trainer, we can all train ourselves but I believe that a personal trainer can push you, and I know for sure that I have achieved results with a personal trainer that I don’t believe I could have achieved on my own.

As I have said many times before we offer a free without obligation consultation, so why not pick up the phone today and see how we can help you try and achieve your goals.

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