A New year and a fresh start, but what will 2023 bring?
As usual I am writing this article prior to Christmas and to begin with I opened the piece I wrote last year with the realisation, little did I know what 2022 would bring. It has certainly been an interesting year: The Ukraine war, cost of energy increasing sharply, three Prime Ministers and the very unfortunate passing of our Queen.
When you look at the statistics I think it’s fair to say that we didn’t think it was going to be an easy year. Statistics showed only 36% of the UK public expected to see their personal financial situation improve over the course of 2022, whilst half of the population (50%) thought it unlikely. Younger people were more hopeful, 51% of under 35s thought their situations were likely to improve compared with 28% of 35-75 year olds.*
However I do think we need to consider the positives as well. This is the first Christmas for two years that I will be having a normal Christmas, whereas last year our Christmas party was cancelled because people were still worried about COVID. Also in 2022 I was able to start travelling again as holidays had been hard for me during the pandemic. Although at the same time many of my clients said that during the pandemic, when our lives slowed down, that they would not allow their lives to become hectic again, unfortunately I have observed that many of them have done just that.
So what then for this year?
I don’t think it is going to be very easy but I always love January when you have closed the door on last year and start afresh. I do consider that times are not at all easy for many, and goal setting and budgeting is probably even more important than it has ever been. I believe that goal setting gives direction, strength and purpose in uncertain times. With soaring bills, and high inflation, budgeting has it’s own importance.
As I have said many times before if you need help with goal setting or budgeting pick up a phone and book a free without obligation consultation.