Restrictions are now disappearing and life is quickly returning to normality. I think it’s important to look back and reflect on this and on the impact of it all. When I have talked to people about the pandemic it seems to have made many people realise how quickly things can change.
When you think the first news of the virus was at the end of December 2019/January 2020 and by the end of March 2020 we were in lockdown, it has certainly made me realise the quick impact of the crisis. When we are planning for a long healthy life it’s important to remember that things can happen along the way and this has shown how quickly our lives can be affected.
During the pandemic we saw that unfortunately many individuals died, suffered from job losses and from sickness. I do believe we have all had different experiences of the virus and I am sure some people who are reading this article may still be suffering.
For the lucky ones it’s important to realise that it really was pot luck if you were in an industry that was not badly affected.
When we plan finances we use what we call “what if” situations to see how individuals’ finances would fare, given certain situations. So if you have not been badly affected by the pandemic why not sit back and use it as a “what if” scenario for your own finances, based on the stories of others who did not fare as well as yourself during this time.
So, when you look at these “what if” situations and realise that you would have issues coping financially during this time, and if your circumstances were different maybe you should consider insuring yourself in case this happens again in the future.
If you would like some help considering what insurances would be appropriate for you, why not give us a call and book a free, without obligation consultation.